This document is provided with the DRV8428 evaluation module (EVM) as a supplement to DRV8428 Stepper Motor Driver datasheet. This user's guide details on how to use the DRV8428 EVM GUI application.
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The DRV8428 EVM is a platform to support prototyping and evaluation for the DRV8428, a medium-voltage dual H-bridge driver for stepper driving applications. The DRV8428 drives a single bipolar stepper with microstep settings ranging from full-stepping to 1/256 resolution with internally-regulated microstep levels. It provides a variety of programmable decay settings.
The EVM uses an MSP430™ microcontroller and a USB interface chip to manage communication from the GUI software application installed on a PC computer with Windows®. The GUI sends serial commands to the MSP430 to control the device signals, monitor faults, read and write SPI registers, and drive a stepper motor by issuing the step commands at the desired rate. This document describes the software and tools used to evaluate DRV8428 device for stepper motor driving on the DRV8428 EVM.
The hardware (HW) and software (SW) tools that follow are required for the evaluation of DRV8428:
This document only describes the installation and usage of the DRV8428 EVM GUI. For additional details on hardware connections refer to the DRV8428xEVM User's Guide .