SLOU576 November 2024 TAS5815
Designator | Name | Description |
TP1 | PVDD1 | PVDD voltage supply device 1 |
TP2 | DVDD1 | DVDD voltage supply of device 1 |
TP3 | AVDD1 | AVDD internally regulated voltage of device 1 |
TP4 | VR_DIG1 | VR_DIG internally regulated voltage of device 1 |
TP5 | SDOUT1 | General-purpose input/output configured to be the Class-H PWM control pin or SDOUT for device 1 |
TP7 | ADR_FAULT1 | Fault terminal for device 1,which is pulled LOW when an internal fault occurs |
TP8 | PDN1 | Power down, active-low for device 1. PDN place the amplifier in Shutdown, turn off all internal regulators |
TP9 | PVDD2 | PVDD voltage supply device 2 |
TP10 | DVDD2 | DVDD voltage supply of device 2 |
TP11 | AVDD2 | AVDD internally regulated voltage of device 2 |
TP12 | VR_DIG2 | VR_DIG internally regulated voltage of device 2 |
TP13 | SDIN2 | Serial Data Input to device 2 |
TP14 | SDOUT2 | General-purpose input/output configured to be the Class-H PWM control pin or SDOUT for device 2 |
TP16 | ADR_FAULT2 | Fault terminal for device 2,which is pulled LOW when an internal fault occurs |
TP17 | PDN2 | Power down, active-low for device 2. PDN place the amplifier in Shutdown, turn off all internal regulators |
TP18 | 1V | The 1V rail used in the XMOS |
TP19 | SCL_XMOS | Probe point for the I2C serial clock input going generated by the XMOS |
TP20 | SCL_AMP | Probe point for the I2C serial clock input going into the two TAS5815PWP |
TP21 | SDA_AMP | The I2C serial control data interface input/output going into the two TAS5815PWP |
TP22 | SDA_XMOS | The I2C serial control data interface input/output generated by the XMOS |
TP24 | SCLK | Bit clock for the digital signal that is active on the input data line of the serial data port |
TP25 | LRCLK | Word select clock for the digital signal that is active on the serial port's input data line. In I2S, LJ and RJ, this corresponds to the left channel and right channel boundary. In TDM mode, this corresponds to the frame sync boundary |
TP26 | SDIN | Data line to the serial data port |
TP27 | VIN | Battery input voltage into the TPS552882 |
TP28 | VOUT | TPS552882 boost output voltage |
TP30 | FB | TPS552882 Feedback pin used to control the output boost voltage |
All other TP | GND | Ground reference pins for probes |