SLUAA94 December 2020 BQ24190 , BQ24195 , BQ24195L , BQ24295 , BQ24297 , BQ25600D , BQ25601D , BQ25606 , BQ25611D , BQ25616 , BQ25890 , BQ25890H , BQ25895 , BQ25898D
Similar to BQ25890 and BQ25895, the BQ25890H/BQ25898D also provides independent controlled voltage output drivers on D+ and D- pins to interface or emulate non-standard adapters when input source is plugged-in or OTG mode is enabled.
For detailed explanations on the D+/D- drivers, refer to the corresponding reference designs Optimizing Efficiency by Handshaking Adjustable Adapters and Battery Chargers Reference Design and Handshaking Between Adjustable HVDCP Adapters and Battery Chargers Reference Design.