Too much low pass filtering on
ISNS can result in a delay in resonant current polarity sensing and error in
overcurrent protection.
Inside the ISNS pin, input current is reconstructed and averaged.
OCP1 = 4 V during normal
operation and during soft start it is 5 V, OCP2 = 0.6 V, OCP3 =0.43 V
To set OCP level:
Calculate the desired input current level (in amps) for OCP.
Set the desired current sense ratio by adjusting RISNS and CISNS.
Adding some low pass filtering on
ISNS can help avoid OCP1 tripping during the first few switching cycles also it
helps to avoid unwanted ZCS tripping.
To avoid OCP fault at startup:
Reduce the soft start
offset voltage or reduce the VCR lower capacitor or increase the LL/SS
capacitor. These three methods can be used to increase the initial
switching frequency during startup. Relaxing the OCP threshold also
helps to avoid OCP at startup.