As shown in Section 1.12, LED drivers and battery chargers must operate in either current control or
voltage control, depending on the effective load resistance. The effective load
resistance determines the operating point of the CC-CV controlled power supply as
shown in Figure 1-34.
- In CC Mode,
where H is current sense amplifier gain.
- In CV Mode,
- Here D1 and D2 implements the
OR function such that only one control variable is controlled at a time
(During CC mode, where output voltage is less than CV limit will reverse
bias the D1. In CV mode, where output current is less than CC limit can
reverse bias the diode D2).
- During the full load to light
load transition, the current through the optocoupler LED needs to be able to
vary more than
to regulate the output voltage/current. Here
Ifb is maximum current provided by the FB pin. So,
where Vdd, VF,
VLED are auxiliary supply voltage, diode forward voltage drop
(D1 or D2), optocoupler LED drop respectively.