SLUAAL2 june 2023 UCC256402 , UCC256403 , UCC256404
Normally, LLC can start switching before the PFC output voltage starts rising or vice versa depending on system requirement.
In general, PFC output voltage starts rising before the LLC converter starts switching. The output voltage rising is done to make sure the LLC is able to achieve regulation when starting into heavy load without risking going into the capacitive region. UCC25640x RVCC is designed for this purpose. In case of UCC256402/404, once the AC input is provided and VCC reaches 26-V level, RVCC voltage is generated to power up PFC controller for PFC to boost. Once PFC boost to a level above UCC25640x BLK setting, LLC DC-DC start to operate. For any reason, if the BLK voltage reaches below BLKstop, switching stops.
In the case of TVs, during light load, LLC converter need to startup before PFC output voltage rises. In this type of scenario, UCC256404 is recommended, since the BLK turn on threshold of this controller is only 1 V. Since LLC transformer was designed for input voltage>300 V and full load, there is not any issue of triggering OCP protection.