The device can recover from a fault in two ways.
- Autonomously: This is enabled by setting
the Settings:Manufacturing:Mfg Status Init[FET_EN] configuration bit.
Once enabled, the device turned FETs off once a fault is triggered. The device
routinely monitor the flags until the flag no longer triggered. After, the FETs
are reenabled.
- Manually: When a fault occurs, the ALERT
pin is configured to go high, providing an interrupt to the host MCU. To shut
off the FETs, the MCU can use commands like 0x0095 ALL_FETS_OFF().
However, if speed is necessary, the chip has CFETOFF and DFETOFF pins that act
as an analog input to disable the FETs. Simply asserting the signal is enough to
disable the FETs. When the MCU decides is safe to resume operation, The device
can then either send an 0x0096 ALL_FETS_ON() command or dessert
CFETOFF/DFETOFF depending on which method was used to disable the FETs.