SLUAAQ5 May 2024 BQ769142 , BQ76942 , BQ76952 , BQ76972
OTP memory has two full images of the data memory configuration settings which are both initialized to 0. Each bit on each frame can be modified only once. Since the device XORs the two frames, writing to one frame turns the modified bit high. By setting the corresponding bit in the second frame high, the two high bits then cancel out in the XOR, returning the change to default.
However, the number of changes to the OTP is limited. There are 8 signature values, where one is used each time a change to the OTP is made. Therefore, the total number of partial writes that can be made to the OTP is 8 times. Each write allows the user to change registers as needed, with the limitation that the bits the user writes to have not been modified twice. For more information on the OTP programming and limitations, refers to the Technical Reference Manual.