To fully test the functionality of
USB-C 240 Watt EPR using this method, the following equipment is required:
- TI EVMs:
- Two BQ25756EVMs and Two TPS26750 EVMs
- Connectors:
- A USB-IF compliant EPR cable, Two 4x2 IDC Ribbon cables, Two TPS26750EVM
to BQ25756EVM Interposer Boards or similar connector for power
- Power Supply:
- A power supply capable of supplying 30V at 9A
- Load:
- There are two ways to
simulate a battery, the first and preferred way is to use a
four-quadrant power supply. The second is to use a electronic load in
constant voltage mode.
- If load is a
four-quadrant or two-quadrant power supply. Kepco: BOP 50-20MG, DC
Voltage from 0 to ±50 V, DC current from 0 to ±20 A (or higher), or
equivalent is recommended.
- If load is an electronic
load in constant voltage mode, Kikusui PLZ164WA 0-150V, 0-33A, or
equivalent is recommended.
- When testing without a
real battery, connect 2000µF of capacitance across the input of the
electronic load/four-quadrant power supply.
- Optional Additional Equipment:
- To perform a power role swap test with battery charging, two
Bi-Directional Power supply such as a Kepco: BOP 50-20MG DC Voltage from
0 to ±50 V, DC current from 0 to ±20 A (or higher), or equivalent is