SLUAAY7 November   2024 BQ25756


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Equipment
    1. 2.1 Equipment Setup
    2. 2.2 Evaluation and Results
    3. 2.3 Optional Power Role Swap Test
  6. 3Summary
  7. 4References


To fully test the functionality of USB-C 240 Watt EPR using this method, the following equipment is required:

  • TI EVMs:
    • Two BQ25756EVMs and Two TPS26750 EVMs
  • Connectors:
    • A USB-IF compliant EPR cable, Two 4x2 IDC Ribbon cables, Two TPS26750EVM to BQ25756EVM Interposer Boards or similar connector for power transfer.
  • Power Supply:
    • A power supply capable of supplying 30V at 9A
  • Load:
    • There are two ways to simulate a battery, the first and preferred way is to use a four-quadrant power supply. The second is to use a electronic load in constant voltage mode.
    • If load is a four-quadrant or two-quadrant power supply. Kepco: BOP 50-20MG, DC Voltage from 0 to ±50 V, DC current from 0 to ±20 A (or higher), or equivalent is recommended.
    • If load is an electronic load in constant voltage mode, Kikusui PLZ164WA 0-150V, 0-33A, or equivalent is recommended.
    • When testing without a real battery, connect 2000µF of capacitance across the input of the electronic load/four-quadrant power supply.
  • Optional Additional Equipment:
    • To perform a power role swap test with battery charging, two Bi-Directional Power supply such as a Kepco: BOP 50-20MG DC Voltage from 0 to ±50 V, DC current from 0 to ±20 A (or higher), or equivalent is required.