SLUS937C December 2009 – December 2019 BQ24072T , BQ24075T , BQ24079T
The BQ2407xT automatically detects if a battery is connected or removed. Once a charge cycle is complete, the battery voltage is monitored. When the battery voltage falls below VRCH, the battery detection routine is run. During battery detection, current (IBAT(DET)) is pulled from the battery for a duration tDET to see if the voltage on BAT falls below VLOWV. If not, charging begins. If it does, then it indicates that the battery is missing or the protector is open. Next, the precharge current is applied for tDET to close the protector if possible. If VBAT < VRCH, then the protector is closed and charging is initiated. If VBAT > VRCH, then the battery is determined to be missing and the detection routine continues.