SLUSAM9E July 2011 – April 2020 BQ76925
The BQ76925 device also includes a comparator for monitoring the current-sense resistor and alerting the Host when the voltage across the sense resistor exceeds a selected threshold. The available thresholds range from 25 mV to 400 mV and are set by writing the I_THRESH bits in the CONFIG_1 register. Positive (discharge) or negative (charge) current may be monitored by setting the I_COMP_POL bit in the CONFIG_1 register. By the choice of sense resistor and threshold, a variety of trip points are possible to support a wide range of applications.
The comparator result is driven through the open-drain ALERT output to signal the host when the threshold is exceeded. This feature can be used to wake up the Host on connection of a load or to alert the Host to a potential fault condition. The ALERT pin state is also available by reading the ALERT bit in the STATUS register.