11 Device and Documentation Support
11.1 Device Support
11.1.1 Device Nomenclature Capacitance Terms in Farads
CBULK total input capacitance of CB1 and CB2.
CDD minimum required capacitance on the VDD pin.
COUT minimum output capacitance required. Duty Cycle Terms
DMAGCC secondary diode conduction duty cycle in CC, 0.475.
DMAX maximum MOSFET on-time duty cycle. Frequency Terms in Hertz
fLINE minimum line frequency.
fMAX target full-load maximum switching frequency of the converter.
fMIN minimum switching frequency of the converter, add 15% margin over the fSW(min) limit of the device.
fSW(lim) switching frequency in transient after a load step-down change
fSW(min) minimum switching frequency (see the Electrical Characteristics table)
fSW(max) maximum switching frequency (see the Electrical Characteristics table)
fSW(standby) switching frequency before load change at light load condition Current Terms in Amperes
IOCC converter output constant-current target.
IOR converter rated output current.
IPP(max) maximum transformer primary current.
ISTART start-up bias supply current (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
ITRAN required positive load-step current.
IVSL(run) VS pin run current (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
IWAIT VDD bias current during the Wait-state . (see the Electrical Characteristics table). Current and Voltage Scaling Terms Transformer Terms
LP transformer primary inductance.
LS transformer secondary inductance.
NAS transformer auxiliary-to-secondary turns ratio.
NPA transformer primary-to-auxiliary turns ratio.
NPS transformer primary-to-secondary turns ratio.
NA tnumber of turns of transformer auxiliary winding.
NP tnumber of turns of transformer primary winding.
NS tnumber of turns of transformer secondary winding. Power Terms in Watts
PIN converter maximum input power.
POUT full-load output power of the converter.
PRSTR VDD start-up resistor power dissipation.
PSB total stand-by power.
PSB_CONV PSB minus start-up resistor and snubber losses. Resistance Terms in Ω
RCS primary current programming resistance
RESR total ESR of the output capacitor(s).
RPL preload resistance on the output of the converter.
RS1 high-side VS pin resistance.
RS2 low-side VS pin resistance.
RSTR Start-up resistor connected between bulk voltage and VDD Timing Terms in Seconds
tDMAG(min) minimum secondary rectifier conduction time.
tGATE_OFF primary-side main MOSFET turn-off time.
tON(min) minimum MOSFET on time.
tR period of the resonant ringing after tDMAG.
tSTR power-on delay time due to charge-up time needed for VDD capacitance CDD.
tZTO tZTO: zero-crossing timeout delay without zero-crossing detected on VS (see the Electrical Characteristics table). Voltage Terms in Volts
VBLK or VBULK bulk capacitor voltage.
VBULK(max) highest bulk capacitor voltage for stand-by power measurement.
VBULK(min) minimum voltage on CB1 and CB2 at full power.
VBULK(run) converter start-up (run) bulk voltage.
VCBC cable compensation voltage at the output of board-end at full load.
VCCR constant-current regulating voltage (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
VCCUV VS threshold for constant-current output voltage shutdown (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
VCST(max) CS pin maximum current-sense threshold (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
VCST(min) CS pin minimum current-sense threshold (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
VVDD(off) UVLO turn-off voltage (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
VVDD(on) UVLO turn-on voltage (see the Electrical Characteristics table).
VF secondary rectifier forward voltage drop at near-zero current.
VFA auxiliary rectifier forward voltage drop.
VLK estimated leakage inductance energy reset voltage.
VOCV regulated output voltage of the converter.
VOCC target lowest converter output voltage in constant-current regulation.
VRIPPLE output peak-to-peak ripple voltage at full-load.
VVSR CV regulating level at the VS input (see the Electrical Characteristics table). AC Voltage Terms in VRMS
VIN(max) maximum input voltage to the converter.
VIN(min) minimum input voltage to the converter.
VIN(run) converter input start-up (run) voltage. Efficiency Terms
η converter overall efficiency.
η10 efficiency at 10% load.
ηAVG arithmetic average of efficiency at load level 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% .
ηXFMR transformer primary-to-secondary power transfer efficiency.
11.2 Documentation Support
11.2.1 Related Documentation
For related documentation see the following:
Using the UCC28704-1EVM-724, Evaluation Module, SLUUBF1
11.3 Community Resources
The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use.
TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers.
Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support.
11.4 Trademarks
E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
11.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
11.6 Glossary
SLYZ022 — TI Glossary.
This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.