SLUSCU0L march 2018 – august 2023 BQ77915
Two comparators are time-multiplexed to detect all of the protection fault conditions, and to measure cell voltages for balancing. Each of the comparators runs on a time-multiplexed schedule and cycles through the assigned protection fault checks and voltage measurements. Comparator 1 checks for OV, UV, OW, OTC, OTD, UTC, and UTD protection faults and measure individual cell voltages for balancing. Comparator 2 checks for OCD1, OCD2, SCD, and OCC protection faults. For OV, UV, and OW protection faults and cell balancing, every cell is checked individually in a round-robin fashion, starting with cell 1 and ending with the highest selected cell. The number of the highest cell is configured using the CCFG pin.
Devices can be ordered with various timing and hysteresis settings. See Table 9-1 for more details.