In some applications, the host does
not always monitor charger operation. The INT pin notifies the
system host on the device operation. By default, the following events generate an
active-low, 256µs INT pulse.
- Good input source detected
- VVBUS > VPOORSRC (typical 3.4
V) when IPOORSRC (typical 30 mA) current is applied (not a
poor source)
- VBUS_STAT changes state (VBUS_STAT any bit change)
- Good input source removed
- Entering IINDPM regulation
- Entering VINDPM regulation
- Entering IC junction temperature regulation (TREG)
- I2C Watchdog timer expired
- At initial power up, this INT
gets asserted to signal I2C is ready for communication
- Charger status changes state (CHRG_STAT value change),
including Charge Complete
- TS_STAT changes state (TS_STAT any bit change)
- VBUS over-voltage detected (VBUS_OVP)
- VAC over-voltage detected (VAC_OVP for VAC1 or VAC2)
- Junction temperature shutdown (TSHUT)
- Battery over-voltage detected (BATOVP)
- System over-voltage detected (VSYS_OVP)
- IBUS over-current detected (IBUS_OCP)
- IBAT over-current detected (IBAT_OCP)
- Charge safety timer expired, including trickle charge and
pre-charge and fast charge safety timer expired
- A rising edge on any of the other *_STAT bits
Each one of these
INT sources can be masked off to prevent
INT pulses from being sent out when they occur. Three bits
exist for each one of these events:
- The STAT bit holds the current status of each
INT source
- The FLAG bit holds information on which source produced an
INT, regardless of the current status
- The MASK bit is used to prevent the device from sending
out INT for each particular event
When one of the above conditions
occurs (a rising edge on any of the *_STAT bits), the device sends out an
INT pulse and keeps track of which source generated the
INT via the FLAG registers. The FLAG register bits are
automatically reset to zero after the host reads them, and a new edge on STAT bit is
required to re-assert the FLAG. This sequence is illustrated in Figure 9-14.