During a gauging operation, different features and functions occur based on whether the battery is discharging, charging, or in a rest state.
Entry and exit of each mode is controlled by data flash parameters in the subclass Fuel Gauging: Current Thresholds section.
- In RELAX mode or DISCHARGE mode, the [DSG] flag in CEDVStatus() is set.
- CHARGE mode is entered when Current goes above Chg Current Threshold.
- CHARGE mode is exited and RELAX mode is entered when Current goes below Quit Current for a period of Chg Relax Time.
- DISCHARGE mode is entered when Current goes below (–)Dsg Current Threshold.
- DISCHARGE mode is exited and RELAX mode is entered when Current goes above (–)Quit Current threshold for a period of Dsg Relax Time.
Figure 6-2 Fuel Gauge Operating Mode Example