AOLDL (Bit 7): Overload in Discharge latch |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |
| | |
RSVD_ONE (Bit 6): Reserved and programmed to 1. Do not use. |
| | |
OCD2 (Bit 5): Overcurrent in Discharge 2nd Tier |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |
| | |
OCD1 (Bit 4): Overcurrent in Discharge 1st Tier |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |
| | |
OCC2 (Bit 3): Overcurrent in Charge 2nd Tier |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |
| | |
OCC1 (Bit 2): Overcurrent in Charge 1st Tier |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |
| | |
COV (Bit 1): Cell Overvoltage |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |
| | |
CUV (Bit 0): Cell Undervoltage |
| 1 = | Enabled (default) |
| 0 = | Disabled |