SLUUBH5A November   2016  – February 2022 TPS546C23


  1.   Trademarks
  2. Description
    1. 1.1 Before You Begin
    2. 1.2 Typical Applications
    3. 1.3 Features
  3. Electrical Performance Specifications
  4. Schematic
  5. Test Setup
    1. 4.1 Test and Configuration Software
      1. 4.1.1 Description
      2. 4.1.2 Features
    2. 4.2 Test Equipment
      1. 4.2.1 Voltage Source
      2. 4.2.2 Multimeters
      3. 4.2.3 Output Load
      4. 4.2.4 Oscilloscope
      5. 4.2.5 Fan
      6. 4.2.6 USB-to-GPIO Interface Adapter
      7. 4.2.7 Recommended Wire Gauge
    3. 4.3 Recommended Test Setup
    4. 4.4 List of Test Points, Jumpers and Connectors
  6. EVM Configuration Using the Fusion GUI
    1. 5.1 Configuration Procedure
  7. Test Procedure
    1. 6.1 Line and Load Regulation and Efficiency Measurement Procedure
    2. 6.2 Control Loop Gain and Phase Measurement Procedure
    3. 6.3 Efficiency Measurement
  8. Performance Data and Typical Characteristic Curves
    1. 7.1  Efficiency
    2. 7.2  Load Regulation
    3. 7.3  Line Regulation
    4. 7.4  Transient Response
    5. 7.5  Output Ripple
    6. 7.6  Control On
    7. 7.7  Control Off
    8. 7.8  Current Sharing Between Two Phases
    9. 7.9  Control Loop Bode Plot
    10. 7.10 Thermal Image
  9. EVM Assembly Drawing and PCB Layout
  10. Bill of Materials
  11. 10Screenshots
    1. 10.1 Fusion GUI Screenshots
  12. 11Revision History

List of Test Points, Jumpers and Connectors

Table 4-1 lists the test point functions.

Table 4-1 Test Point Functions
Type Name Description
TP1 Not Assembled DATA DATA signal on J1 socket
TP2 Not Assembled SMB_ALERT SMBALERT signal on J1 socket
TP3 Not Assembled CNTL CNTL signal on J1 socket
TP4 Not Assembled CLK CLK signal on J1 socket
TP5 T-H Loop VIN VIN+ measurement point
TP6 T-H Loop GND VIN– measurement point
TP7 T-H Loop PVIN1 PVIN pin voltage of U1 device measurement point
TP8 T-H Loop PVIN2 PVIN pin voltage of U2 device measurement point
TP9 T-H Loop AVIN1 AVIN pin voltage of U1 device measurement point
TP10 T-H Loop AVIN2 AVIN pin voltage of U2 device measurement point
TP11 T-H Loop GND GND reference
TP12 T-H Loop GND GND reference
TP13 Not Assembled ADJ Analog input to adjust rail 2 output voltage
TP14 T-H Loop CHA1 Input for small signal loop gain measurements for output rail 1 (B/A setup)
TP15 T-H Loop CHB1 OUTPUT for small signal loop gain measurements for output rail 1 (B/A setup)
TP16 T-H Loop CHB2 OUTPUT for small signal loop gain measurements for output rail 2 (B/A setup)
TP17 T-H Loop CHA2 Input for small signal loop gain measurements for output rail 2 (B/A setup)
TP18 Not Assembled ADJ Analog input to adjust rail 1 output voltage
TP19 T-H Loop SW1 Switching node of output rail 1 measurement point, reference to TP23
TP20 T-H Loop SW2 Switching node of output rail 2 measurement point, reference to TP24
TP21 Not Assembled AVG1 Rail 1 switching node average voltage measurement point, reference to TP23
TP22 Not Assembled AVG2 Rail 2 switching node average voltage measurement point, reference to TP24
TP23 T-H Loop PGND1 GND reference for switching node measurement
TP24 T-H Loop PGND2 GND reference for switching node measurement
TP25 T-H Loop RST/RG1 PGOOD signal of output 1
TP26 T-H Loop RST/PG2 PGOOD signal of output 2
TP27 T-H Loop GND GND reference
TP28 Not Assembled EFF_VO1 U1 output voltage measurement point for efficiency, reference to TP34
TP29 Not Assembled EFF_VO2 U2 output voltage measurement point for efficiency, reference to TP35
TP30 Not Assembled RSP1 Output 1 remote sense + voltage point
TP31 T-H Loop +VOSENSE1 VOUT1+ measurement point
TP32 T-H Loop +VOSENSE2 VOUT2+ measurement point
TP33 Not Assembled RSP2 Output 2 remote sense + voltage point
TP34 Not Assembled EFF_GND1 Rail 1 output voltage referencing GND for efficiency measurement
TP35 Not Assembled EFF_GND2 Rail 1 output voltage referencing GND for efficiency measurement
TP36 Not Assembled RSN1 Output 1 remote sense - voltage point
TP37 T-H Loop –VOSENSE1 VOUT1– measurement point
TP38 T-H Loop –VOSENSE2 VOUT2– measurement point
TP39 Not Assembled RSN2 Output 2 remote sense - voltage point
TP40 T-H Loop Vshare2 VSHARE of U2 measurement point. Sensitive signal
TP41 T-H Loop Ishare1 ISHARE of U1 measurement point. Sensitive signal
TP42 T-H Loop Vshare1 VSHARE of U1 measurement point. Sensitive signal
TP43 T-H Loop Ishare2 ISHARE of U2 measurement point. Sensitive signal

Table 4-2 lists the EVM jumpers.

Table 4-2 Jumpers
Jumper Type Name Description
JP1 Header, 100 mil, 2×1 SYNC2 Synchronization connection between U1 and U2. Jumper is plugged as default.
JP2 Header, 100 mil, 2×1 SYNC1 Synchronization connection between U1 and U2. Jumper is plugged as default.
JP3 Header, 100 mil, 3×1 CNTL1 PMBUS CNTL connection options for U1 to socket J1 or GND. Jumper connecting U1 to J1 is plugged as default.
JP4 Header, 100 mil, 3×1 CNTL2 PMBUS CNTL connection options for U2 to socket J1 or GND. Jumper connecting U2 to J1 is plugged as default.
JP5 Header, 100 mil, 2×1 ALERT1 PMBUS SMBALERT connection between U1 and socket J1. Jumper connecting U1 to J1 is plugged as default.
JP6 Header, 100 mil, 2×1 ALERT2 PMBUS SMBALERT connection between U2 and socket J1. Jumper connecting U2 to J1 is plugged as default.

Table 4-3 lists the EVM connector functions.

Table 4-3 Connector Functions
Connector Type Name Description
J1 Header, 100mil, 5x2 PMBUS PMBUS socket for TI FUSION adapter
J2 Keystone 1546 VIN VIN+ connector
J3 Keystone 1546 GND VIN– (GND) connector
J8 Keystone 1546 VOUT1 VOUT1+ connector
J10 Keystone 1546 GND VOUT1– connector
J7 Keystone 1546 VOUT2 VOUT2+ connector
J11 Keystone 1546 GND VOUT2– connector