CTEMP (Bits 15–14): Defines which temperature sensor's output is displayed by the SBS Temperature() command |
| 1, 1 = Not used |
| 1, 0 = Minimum temperature |
| 0, 1 = Average temperature |
| 0, 0 = Maximum temperature |
| | |
RSVD (Bits 13–9): Reserved. Do not use. |
| | |
EMSHUT_PEXIT_DIS (Bit 8): Disables the SHUTDN pin exit option of the emergency FET shutdown feature (when a high-to-low transition on the SHUTDN pin is detected) |
| 1 = | Prevents usage of SHUTDN pin as exit option |
| 0 = | Allows usage of SHUTDN pin as an exit option (default) |
| | |
FTEMP (Bit 7): FET temperature protection source |
| 1 = | Average |
| 0 = | MAX (default) |
| | |
RSVD (Bit 6): Reserved. Do not use. |
| | |
EMSHUT_EN (Bit 5): Emergency FET shutdown enable |
| 1 = | Enables |
| 0 = | Disables |
| | |
SLEEP (Bit 4): SLEEP mode |
| 1 = | Enables SLEEP mode (default) |
| 0 = | Disables SLEEP mode |
| | |
IN_SYSTEM_SLEEP (Bit 3): In-system SLEEP mode |
| 1 = | Enables |
| 0 = | Disables (default) |
| | |
NR (Bit 2): Use
PRES in system detection |
| 1 = | NON-REMOVABLE mode |
| 0 = | Use
PRES, REMOVABLE mode (default) |
| | |
RSVD (Bits 1–0): Reserved. Do not use. |