SLUUBT5C November 2018 – June 2021 BQ40Z80
This command instructs the device to return Impedance Track related gauging information on ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData().
Status | Condition |
Activate | 0x007D to ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerAccess() |
Action: Output 15 bytes of IT data values on ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData() in the following format: aaAAbbBBccCCddDDeeEEffFFggGGHH where:
Value | Description | Unit |
AAaa | RaScale 6. Ra table scaling factor of Cell 7 | — |
BBbb | CompRes 6. Last temperature compensated Resistance of Cell 7 | 2–10 Ω |
CCcc | DOD0_6. Depth of discharge for Cell 7 | — |
DDdd | DODEOC 6. Depth of discharge at end of charge of Cell 7 | — |
EEee | QMax 6. QMax of Cell 7 | mAh |
FFff | QMax DOD0_6. DOD0 saved to be used for next QMax update of Cell 7. The value is only valid when [VOK] = 1. | — |
GGgg | Cell Raw DOD0_6. Raw depth of discharge for Cell 7 | — |
HH | Cell Grid 6. Active grid point of Cell 7. This data is only valid during DISCHARGE mode when [R_DIS] = 0. If [R_DIS] = 1 or not discharging, this value is not updated. | — |