When the protections and permanent fails are triggered, BatteryStatus()[TCA][TDA][FD][OCA][OTA][FC] will be set according to the type of safety protections. Here is a summary of the set conditions of the various alarms flags.
[TCA] = 1 if
- SafetyAlert()[OCC1], [OCC2], [COV], [OTC], [OTF], [OC], [CHGC], [CHGV], or [PCHGC] = 1 OR
- PFAlert()[SOV] or [SOCC] = 1 OR
- Any PFStatus() = 1 OR
- OperationStatus()[PRES] = 0 OR
- GaugingStatus()[TC] = 1 AND in CHARGE mode
[FC] = 1
- if GaugingStatus()[FC] = 1
[OCA] = 1 if
- SafetyStatus()[OC] = 1 AND in CHARGE mode
[TDA] = 1 if
- SafetyAlert()[OCD1], [OCD2], [CUV], [CUVC], [OTD], or [OTF] = 1 OR
- PFAlert()[SUV] or [SOCD] = 1 OR
- Any PFStatus() = 1 OR
- OperationStatus()[PRES] = 0
- GaugingStatus()[TD] = 1 AND in DISCHARGE mode
[FD] = 1 if
- SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 1 OR
- PFStatus()[SUV] = 1 OR
- GaugingStatus()[FD]
[OTA] = 1 if
- SafetyStatus()[OTC], [OTD], or [OTF] = 1 OR
- PFStatus()[SOT] or [SOTF] = 1