SLUUBT5C November 2018 – June 2021 BQ40Z80
This command instructs the device to return the filtered remaining capacity and full charge capacity even if [SMOOTH] = 0 on ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData().
Status | Condition |
Activate | 0x0078 to ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerAccess() |
Action: Output 8 bytes of IT data values on ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData() in the following format: aaAAbbBBccCCddDD where:
Value | Description | Unit |
AAaa | Filtered remaining capacity | mAh |
BBbb | Filtered remaining energy | mWh |
CCcc | Filtered full charge capacity | mAh |
DDdd | Filtered full charge energy | mWh |