SLUUBT5C November 2018 – June 2021 BQ40Z80
The [TC] and [FC] bits in GaugingStatus() can be set at charge termination as well as based on RSOC or cell voltages. If multiple set and clear conditions are selected, then the corresponding flag will be set whenever a valid set or clear condition is met. If both set and clear conditions are true at the same time, the flag will clear. The same functionality is applied to the [TD] and [FD] bits in GaugingStatus().
GaugingStatus()[TC][TD][FC][FD] are the status flags based on the gauging conditions only. These flags are set and cleared based on SOC Flag Config A and SOC Flag Config B.
The BatteryStatus()[TAC][FC][TDA][FD] flags will be set and cleared according to the GaugingStatus()[TC][FC][TD][FD] flags, as well as the safety and permanent failure protections status. For more information, see Section 6.8.
When GaugingStatus()[TC] is set AND FET Options[CHGFET] = 1, the CHG FET turns off.
The [FC] flag is identical between gauging status and battery status, but not [TD]. The table below summarizes the options to set and clear the [TC] and [FC] flags in GaugingStatus().
Flag | Set Criteria | Set Condition | Enable |
[TC] | cell voltage | Max cell voltage1..7 ≥ TC: Set Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TCSetV] = 1 |
RSOC | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≥ TC: Set % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TCSetRSOC] = 1 | |
Valid Charge Termination (enable by default) | When ChargingStatus[VCT] = 1 | SOC Flag Config A[TCSetVCT] = 1 | |
[FC] | cell voltage | Max cell voltage1..7 ≥ FC: Set Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FCSetV] = 1 |
RSOC | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≥ C: Set % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FCSetRSOC] = 1 | |
Valid Charge Termination (enable by default) | When ChargingStatus[VCT] = 1 | SOC Flag Config A[FCSetVCT] = 1 |
Flag | Clear Criteria | Clear Condition | Enable |
[TC] | cell voltage | Max cell voltage1..7 ≤ TC: Clear Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TCClearV] = 1 |
RSOC (enable by default) | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≤ TC: Clear % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TCClearRSOC] = 1 | |
[FC] | cell voltage | Max cell voltage1..7 ≤ FC: Clear Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FCClearV] = 1 |
RSOC (enable by default) | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≤ FC: Clear % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FCClearRSOC] = 1 |
[TD] and [FD] both have extra conditions. If gauging status [FD] is set, then battery status is always set, but clearing also depends on some safety conditions (CUV/SUV).
The table below summarizes the various options to set and clear the [TD] and [FD] flags in GaugingStatus().
Flag | Set Criteria | Set Condition | Enable |
[TD] | cell voltage | Min cell voltage1..7 ≤ TD: Set Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TDSetV] = 1 |
RSOC (enable by default) | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≤ TD: Set % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TDSetRSOC] = 1 | |
[FD] | cell voltage | Min cell voltage1..7 ≤ FD: Set Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FDSetV] = 1 |
RSOC (enable by default) | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≤ FD: Set % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FDSetRSOC] = 1 |
Flag | Clear Criteria | Clear Condition | Enable |
[TD] | cell voltage | Min cell voltage1..7 ≥ TD: Clear Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TDClearV] = 1 |
RSOC (enable by default) | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≥ TD: Clear % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config A[TDClearRSOC] = 1 | |
[FD] | cell voltage | Min cell voltage1..7 ≥ FD: Clear Voltage Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FDClearV] = 1 |
RSOC (enable by default) | RelativeStateOfCharge() ≥ FD: Clear % RSOC Threshold | SOC Flag Config B[FDClearRSOC] = 1 |