SLUUBT5C November 2018 – June 2021 BQ40Z80
Set Settings:Pin Configuration[MFP12_SEL0][MFP12_SEL1][MFP12_SEL2] = 000 to select VC7SENSE. When this mode is selected, the pin is used as an ADC input to digitize the output of an external divider from the top of the stack when a 7-s cell configuration is used. For the best ADC performance, the voltage at this pin should be limited to between 0 V and 1.0 V. In this mode, the top of the stack can be a maximum of 32 V, so a divider of approximately 32:1 or larger is required. The external divider is enabled by an NFET switch controlled using the VC7EN signal from the BQ40Z80 device.