SLUUBT5C November 2018 – June 2021 BQ40Z80
This command returns the cell voltages, pack voltage, bat voltage, cell currents, cell powers, power, and average power on ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData().
Status | Condition |
Activate | 0x0071 to ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerAccess() |
Action: Output 32 bytes of data on ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData() in the following format: aaAAbbBBccCCddDDeeEEffFFggGGhhHHiiIIjjJJkkKKllLLmmMMnnNNooOOppPP where:
Value | Description | Unit |
AAaa | Cell Voltage 1 | mV |
BBbb | Cell Voltage 2 | mV |
CCcc | Cell Voltage 3 | mV |
DDdd | Cell Voltage 4 | mV |
EEee | BAT Voltage. Voltage at the BAT pin. This is different than Voltage(), which is the sum of all the cell voltages. | mV |
FFff | PACK Voltage. Voltage at the PACK+ pin. | mV |
GGgg | Cell Current 1. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage 1 measurement | mA |
HHhh | Cell Current 2. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage 2 measurement | mA |
IIii | Cell Current 3. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage 3 measurement | mA |
JJjj | Cell Current 4. Simultaneous current measured during Cell Voltage 4 measurement | mA |
KKkk | Cell Power 1. Calculated using Cell Voltage1 and Cell Current 1 data | mA |
LLll | Cell Power 2. Calculated using Cell Voltage2 and Cell Current 2 data | cW |
MMmm | Cell Power 3. Calculated using Cell Voltage3 and Cell Current 3 data | cW |
NNnn | Cell Power 4. Calculated using Cell Voltage4 and Cell Current 4 data | cW |
OOoo | Power calculated by Voltage() × Current() | cW |
PPpp | Average Power | cW |