SLUUBY2B September 2020 – May 2022 BQ76952
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Alarm | PF Alert Mask D | U1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x00 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD_0 | RSVD_0 | RSVD_0 | RSVD_0 | RSVD_0 | RSVD_0 | RSVD_0 | TOSF |
Description: This parameter selects which protections influence the setting of AlarmRawStatus()[MSK_PFALERT]. When the bitwise and of Settings:Alarm:PF Alert Mask D and PFAlertD() is nonzero, AlarmRawStatus()[MSK_PFALERT] is set.