SLUUBY2B September 2020 – May 2022 BQ76952
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Permanent Fail | CUDEP | Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 2 | s |
Description: When a cell is severely overdischarged, copper deposition can occur, resulting in very high impedance. Normally the device is shut down before the cells reach this low voltage, but in certain configurations the device may wake with a charger attached. If the FETs were turned on at this point, the voltage would rise sharply and the cells would appear to be fine due to the high charging current flowing. When enabled, the copper deposition check holds the FETs off until the voltage is greater than or equal to Permanent Fail:CUDEP:Threshold for Permanent Fail:CUDEP:Delay seconds. If the voltage is below Permanent Fail:CUDEP:Threshold for Permanent Fail:CUDEP:Delay seconds, the CUDEP Permanent Fail is triggered.