SLUUC37C july 2019 – august 2023 BQ75614-Q1 , BQ79616 , BQ79616-Q1 , BQ79656-Q1
If powering the EVM using the included resistor ladder as cells, simply ensure that the power supply positive terminal is connected to the "VSTACK" or "PWR" testpoints provided on the board, and the power supply negative terminal is connected to the "GND" or "Cell0" testpoints provided on the board, or any "GND" standoff provided.
If not using the resistor ladder, the power supply positive terminal must be connected to the "PWR" testpoint, and the power supply negative terminal must be connected to the "Cell0" testpoint.
Also ensure that headers J16 and J14 are both jumpered, to allow for power and ground to be supplied from the "battery stack" (resistor ladder).