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The UCC27624EVM is designed to primarily evaluate the UCC27624 performance. The UCC27624 is a 30-V dual channel low-side driver with 5-A peak source and 5-A peak sink current for driving Si/IGBTs/SiC and GaN FETs. The UCC27624EVM board can be used to evaluate other pin-to-pin compatible parts in the supported package. The UCC27624 has low propagation delay and low propagation delay matching between the respective channels rising and falling edges of the driver outputs for reliable timing of the gate-drive signals. The UCC27624 inputs can tolerate signals as high as 26 V regardless of the VDD voltage which enhances device robustness.
The UCC27624 driver includes EN pins which enable the driver's outputs when pulled high, and disables the driver into a low standby current mode when low.
The UCC27624EVM is designed to primarily evaluate the UCC27624 functionality. The driver's performances can be evaluated for capacitive loads and/or power devices with provisions for TO-220 footprints. The UCC27624EVM evaluation boards use surface-mount test points allowing connections to INA, INB, ENA, ENB, VDD, OUTA and OUTB UCC27624. For detailed device information, see the UCC27624 DatasheetUCC27624 30-V, 5-A dual channel low-side driver Data Sheet.
The EVM supports the following features:
Table 2-1 details the connection descriptions.
Pins | Description |
VCC | VCC positive input test point. Powers IC VDD pin, use 4.5-V to 26-V range. |
VDD | VDD positive input of UCC27624 IC |
GND | Multiple test points. VCC negative input, HI_IN,LI_IN, and ENA_IN negative inputs, and ground at UCC27624 IC |
INA_IN+ | Channel-A PWM signal |
INB_IN- | Channel-B PWM signal |
INA | INA input pin |
INB | INB input pin. |
ENA_IN | Enable A input. Connect to GND to disable ch-A |
ENB_IN | Enable B input. Connect to GND to disable ch-B |
Gate_A | OUTA output at capacitive load and gate |
Gate_B | OUTB output at capacitive load and gate |
OUTA | OUTA output at driver's pin of UCC27624 |
OUTB | OUTB output at driver's pin of UCC27624 |