The EVM is equipped with an onboard load transient generator for testing fast transients that is seen in processor type loads. To generate a load transient, it can be used as internal 555 timer or external repetitive pulse function generator. This pulse height must be 5 V. Please refer to the Section 4.3 section for details
- Connect jumper J14 to use internal signal or apply external function generator at TP13
- Set the required steady-state load current (50 A).
- Connect probes VOUTA (J15, BNC cable), PWM1 (TP31), PWM2 (TP32).
- Add offset to VOUTA signal as 0.88V, and 20mV/div.
- Measure output current at one resistor bank. so, connect differential probe parallel to R60 and 700mV/div.
- Turn on the power supply (with the voltage set to 12 V and the current limit set to 20 A)
- Slide the enable switch ‘S1’ to the ON position and measure output voltage as 0.88V.
- Turn on 2 switches at load switch(S3) to get 115A load step at 0.88V.