SLUUCF8 March   2021 TPS53676


  1.   Trademarks
  2. Introduction
  3. Features
  4. Applications
  5. System Description
    1. 4.1 Phase configuration selection
    2. 4.2 Jumper details
    3. 4.3 On-board load transient
  6. Test Equipment
  7. Test Procedure
    1. 6.1 Start-up Test
    2. 6.2 Shut down Test
    3. 6.3 Steady-state Test
    4. 6.4 Load Transient Test
    5. 6.5 Efficiency Plot
    6. 6.6 Bode plot
  8. Fusion GUI
  9. Evaluation Module (EVM) Hardware
  10. Schematic and Bill of Materials
  11. 10Read This First
    1. 10.1 About This Manual
    2. 10.2 Glossary
    3. 10.3 Related Documentation
    4. 10.4 Support Resources

Load Transient Test

The EVM is equipped with an onboard load transient generator for testing fast transients that is seen in processor type loads. To generate a load transient, it can be used as internal 555 timer or external repetitive pulse function generator. This pulse height must be 5 V. Please refer to the Section 4.3 section for details

  1. Connect jumper J14 to use internal signal or apply external function generator at TP13
  2. Set the required steady-state load current (50 A).
  3. Connect probes VOUTA (J15, BNC cable), PWM1 (TP31), PWM2 (TP32).
  4. Add offset to VOUTA signal as 0.88V, and 20mV/div.
  5. Measure output current at one resistor bank. so, connect differential probe parallel to R60 and 700mV/div.
  6. Turn on the power supply (with the voltage set to 12 V and the current limit set to 20 A)
  7. Slide the enable switch ‘S1’ to the ON position and measure output voltage as 0.88V.
  8. Turn on 2 switches at load switch(S3) to get 115A load step at 0.88V.
Load step = 50 A to 165 A
Figure 6-11 VOUTA Load transient
Load release=165 A to 50 A
Figure 6-12 VOUTA Load transient