This user’s guide describes the evaluation module (EVM) for the TPS48111-Q1 smart high-side driver. The document provides EVM configuration information and test setup details for evaluating the TPS48111-Q1 device. The EVM schematic, board layout, and bill of materials (BOM) are also included.
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The TPS48111Q1EVM allows reference circuit evaluation of TI's smart high-side driver TPS48111-Q1. The TPS48111-Q1 has an operating range of 3.5 V–80 V and has strong gate drive strength of 4 A to enable switching parallel MOSFETs in high current designs. The controller TPS48111-Q1 can drive back-to-back N-channel MOSFETs and also has a separate pre-charge driver (G) with independent control input (INP_G) to drive large capacitive loads. The device provides two-level adjustable overcurrent protection with adjustable circuit breaker timer, fast short-circuit protection, accurate analog current monitor output, and remote overtemperature protection.
General TPS48111Q1EVM features include:
5-A to 50-A adjustable overcurrent protection using on-board jumpers
Programmable circuit breaker timer
Bi-directional current flow capability
Load current monitoring output
Programmable auto-retry and latch options
LED status indication for overcurrent and overtemperature faults