SLUUCN4B January 2023 – December 2024
The measured cell voltage is segmented into several voltage ranges. The charging algorithm adjusts ChargingCurrent() according to the temperature and voltage range. The voltage ranges set in data flash need to adhere to the following format:
Charging Voltage Low ≤ Charging Voltage Med ≤ Charging Voltage High ≤ × Temp Charging:Voltage | ||||
where × is standard or recommended. Depending on the specific charging profile, the Low Temp Charging:Voltage and High Temp Charging:Voltage settings do not necessarily have the highest setting values. The voltage range below is determined based on either max cell voltage, min cell voltage, or average cell voltage by configuringSettings:Charging Configuration Ext[CELL_VAL1][CELL_VAL0]. Max Cell Voltage 1...4 below is used when Settings:Charging Configuration Ext[CELL_VAL1][CELL_VAL0] is set to 0, 0.