SLUUCO9A April 2023 – November 2023 BQ28Z620
This command enters a new authentication key into the device.
Status | Condition | Action |
Initiate | OperationStatus()[SEC1,SEC0] = 0,1 AND 0x0037 to MACSubcmd() | OperationStatus()[AUTH] = 1 160-bit random number available at MACData() |
Enter Key | Correct 128-bit Key written to MACData() in the format 0xAABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPP, where AA is LSB. In addition to this information, the checksum + length data block is required. | Wait time 250 ms OperationStatus()[AUTH] = 0 Device returns 160-bit HMAC digest at MACData() in the format: 0xAABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTT, where AA is LSB. The HMAC digest was calculated using a challenge of all zeroes + key. The result can be used to verify the key without allowing a plain text read back. |