SLUUCO9A April 2023 – November 2023 BQ28Z620
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Calibration | Current Offset | CC Offset | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | 0 | — | Coulomb Counter Offset |
Calibration | Current Offset | Coulomb Counter Offset Samples | U2 | 0 | 65535 | 64 | — | Coulomb Counter Offset Samples used for averaging |
Calibration | Current Offset | Board Offset | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | 0 | — | PCB board offset |
Calibration | Current Offset | CC Auto Config | H1 | 00 | 07 | 03 | hex | Bit 0: AUTO_CAL_EN: Auto CC Offset calibration enable 0 = Disabled Auto CC calibration offset 1 = Firmware will perform auto CC calibration on entry into SLEEP mode. A min auto CC calibration interval is set to 10 hrs to prevent false wear out. The result is saved to CC Auto Offset. Bit 1: AUTO_NESTON: NEST Circuit ON 0 = HW NEST circuit is always on. Individual cell current measurement may have an error relative to Current(), but the Current() accuracy is not impacted. 1 = When [OFFSET_TAKEN] = 1, FW automatically controls the HW NEST circuit for best current and cell current measurements. Bit 2: OFFSET_TAKEN: CC Auto Offset is taken. 0 = CC Auto Offset has not been measured. 1 = CC Auto Offset has been measured. Bit 3 to Bit 7: Reserved |
Calibration | Current Offset | CC Auto Offset | I2 | –10000 | 10000 | 0 | CC Offset collected via CC Auto Calibration. Used for cell current measurement and is different than CC Offset. |