SLUUCP8 June 2024 BQ41Z50
When the sleep conditions are met, the BQ41Z50 device enters SLEEP mode with periodic wakeups for voltage, temperature, and current measurements to reduce power consumption.
OperationStatus()[SLPCC] is set when the gauge wakes for current measurement. In general, it is not possible to read this flag because an SMBus communication will wake up the gauge.
The device returns to NORMAL mode if any exit sleep condition is met.
Status | Condition | Action |
Activate | SMBus low for Bus Timeout(1) if [IN_SYSTEM_SLEEP] = 0, or no communication for Bus Timeout if [IN_SYSTEM_SLEEP] = 1 AND DA Config[SLEEP] = 1(1) AND |Current()| ≤ Sleep Current AND (OperationStatus()[PRES] = 0 OR DA Config[NR] = 1 or DA Configuration[IN_SYSTEM_SLEEP = 1]) AND OperationStatus()[SDM] = 0 AND No PFAlert() bits set AND(5) No PFStatus() bits set AND No SafetyAlert() bits set AND(5) No [AOLD], [AOLDL], [ASCC], [ASCCL], [ASCD], [ASCDL] set in SafetyStatus() |
Turn off CHG FET and PCHG FET if FET Options[SLEEPCHG] = 0.(3) The device goes to sleep. The device wakes up every Sleep:Voltage Time period to measure voltage and temperature. The device wakes up every Sleep:Current Time period to measure current. |
Exit | SMBus connected (1)OR SMBus command received (2) OR |Current()| > Sleep Current OR Wake comparator activates(4) OR (OperationStatus()[PRES] = 1 AND DA Config[NR] = 0 and DA Configuration[IN_SYSTEM_SLEEP] = 0) OR OperationStatus()[SDM] = 1 OR PFAlert() bits set OR PFStatus() bits set OR SafetyAlert() bits set OR [AOLD], [AOLDL], [ASCC], [ASCCL], [ASCD], [ASCDL] set in SafetyStatus() |
Return to NORMAL mode SLEEPWKCHG estimates an accumulated charge on exit from SLEEP mode for the duration of Current Time preceding the last current measurement when Current Time is greater than 2 s. The current read upon exit of SLEEP mode is assumed to have been present for half of the Current Time interval, when enabled. This feature does not have any effect when Current Time is less than or equal to 2. |
1 | 0 | X | X | OFF | ON |
1 | 1 | X | X | ON | ON |
0 | 0 | X | 0 | OFF | OFF |
0 | 1 | X | 0 | OFF | OFF |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | OFF | ON |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ON | ON |