SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
To improve the manufacture testing flow, the gas gauge device allows certain features to be toggled on or off through AltManufacturerAccess() commands (for example, CHG FET(), DSG FET(), FET Control Override(), LifetimeDataCollection(), CalibrationMode(), and Gauging()). Enabling only the feature under test can simplify the test flow in production by avoiding any feature interference. The AltManufacturerAccess() command that toggles ManufacturingStatus()[CAL_EN], [LT_TEST], [FET_OVRD], [DSG_TEST], and [CHG_TEST]only sets the RAM data, meaning the conditions set by this command are cleared if a reset or seal is issued to the gauge. The AltManufacturerAccess() commands that toggle ManufacturingStatus()[LF_EN], [FET_EN], [GAUGE_EN]are updated to data flash and synchronized between ManufacturingStatus() and Mfg Status Init. ManufacturingStatus() keeps track of the status (enabled or disabled) of each feature.
Mfg Status Init provides the option to enable or disable individual features for normal operation. Upon a reset or a seal command, ManufacturingStatus()is reloaded from Mfg Status Init. This means if an update is made to Mfg Status Init to enable or disable a feature, the gauge only takes the new setting if a reset or seal command is sent.