This manual discusses the modules and peripherals of the BQ27Z746-R1 device, and how each is used to build a complete battery pack gas gauge and protection solution. For electrical specifications, refer to the BQ27Z746 Single-Cell Battery Fuel Gauge with Integrated Protector (SLUSDW2).
The following notation is used if SBS commands and data flash values are mentioned within a text block:
The reference format for SBS commands is: SBS:Command Name(Command No.): Manufacturer Access(MA No.)[Flag]; for example:
SBS:Voltage(0x09), or SBS:ManufacturerAccess(0x00): Seal Device(0x0020)
The following notation is used if SBS commands and data flash values are mentioned within a text block:
The reference format for SBS commands is: SBS:Command Name(Command No.): Manufacturer Access(MA No.)[Flag]; for example:
SBS:Voltage(0x09), or SBS:ManufacturerAccess(0x00): Seal Device(0x0020)
Impedance Track® is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The BQ27Z746-R1 device provides a feature-rich gas gauging solution for single-cell battery pack applications. The device has extended capabilities, including:
The GPO pin can be optionally configured to read a second thermistor (using Temperature Enable) or it can be used as a digital output as a host interrupt signal. The pin can be used for either purpose, but not both.
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | GPO Pin Config | H1 | 0x00 | 0x01 | 0x00 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bits 7–1): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
HOSTINT_EN (Bit 0): Use the pin for output of a host interrupt signal | ||
1 = | Enabled | |
0 = | Disabled (default) | |
By default, neither option is selected.
If one of the options is selected, see the appropriate chapter for either temperature measurement or host interrupts.
The BQ27Z746-R1 gauge contains an integrating analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for current measurement and a second order delta-sigma ADC for cell voltage and temperature measurements.
The integrating delta-sigma ADC in the gauge measures the charge/discharge flow of the battery by measuring the voltage drop across a small-value sense resistor between the SRP and SRN pins. The 16-bit integrating ADC measures bipolar signals from –0.10 V to 0.10 V with 3.74-µV resolution. The gauge reports charge activity when VSR = V(SRP) – V(SRN) is positive, and discharge activity when VSR = V(SRP) – V(SRN) is negative. This data is scaled and translated into mA using CC Gain and reported through Current(). The gauge uses this information for gauging and lifetime data logging functions. In NORMAL and SLEEP modes, the gauge continuously monitors the measured current and integrates the digital signal over time using an internal coulomb counter, which is also used for gauging.
In addition, the integrating ADC is sampled during voltage measurements and converted to mA in the same manner. This data is used for gauging (but not coulomb counting) and reported through Cell 1 Current in DAStatus1().
The second order delta-sigma ADC in the gauge measures the cell voltage at 1-s intervals in NORMAL mode, and Voltage Time-second intervals in SLEEP mode. This data is scaled and translated into mV using Cell Gain and reported through Voltage(). The gauge uses this information for gauging and lifetime data logging functions.
The second order delta-sigma ADC in the gauge measures the pack voltage (at the PACK pin) at 1-s intervals in NORMAL mode, and Voltage Time-second intervals in SLEEP mode. This data is scaled and translated into mV using Pack Gain and reported through PACK pin voltage in DAStatus1(). The gauge uses this information for entry to SHUTDOWN mode, zero-volt charging, and BUFFER mode for the battery sensing output.
The second order delta-sigma ADC in the gauge measures internal temperature at 1-s intervals in NORMAL mode and Voltage Time-second intervals in SLEEP mode. This data is translated into 0.1 K using the parameters in Internal Temp Model and reported through InternalTemperature(). The internal temperature can be used for gauging and lifetime data logging functions, and reported through Temperature() if Temperature Enable[TSInt] = 1.
The second order delta-sigma ADC in the gauge measures cell temperature via an external thermistor at 1-s intervals in NORMAL mode and Voltage Time-second intervals in SLEEP mode. This data is translated into 0.1 K using the parameters in Cell Temp Model and reported through Temperature() if Temperature Enable[TS1] = 1. The cell temperature can be used for gauging and lifetime data logging functions if Temperature Enable[TS1] = 1.
The cell temperature measurement requires an external 10-kΩ negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, such as the Semitec 103AT–2, connected between VSS and the TS pin.
The GPO pin can be configured to provide an additional temperature sensor. The default for the sensor is Semitec 103AT NTC thermistor. The thermistor is connected between Vss and the GPO when this configuration is used. This additional sensor can be configured as either a FET temperature sensor or an additional cell temperature sensor.
The following data flash parameter enables/disables the available temperature sensor options.
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Description |
Settings | Configuration | Temperature Enable | H1 | 0x00 | 0x0F | 0x02 | Determines whether the internal temperature (TSInt) or the external temperature (TS1 on TS pin) is reported with Temperature(). Bit 0: TSInt—Enables internal TS Bit 1: TS1—Enables external TS pin 0, 0: Neither enabled, Temperature() reports –273.2K. 0, 1: Enables internal TS, Temperature() reports the internal temperature. 1, 0: Enables TS1, Temperature() reports the value determined by the thermistor on the TS pin. 1, 1: TSInt and TS1 are enabled, Temperature() reports the higher of the two values. Bit 2: TS2—Selected for a second thermistor on the GPO pin for temperature measurement reported as TS2 Temperature. Enable only if GPO Pin Config[HOSTINT_EN] = 0. Additionally, when Bit 3:TS2FET is set, the gauge uses the second thermistor as a FET temperature measurement reported as FET Temperature. Otherwise, the second thermistor is used for Temperature(), where the highest value of all enabled sources is reported and FET Temperature reports –273.2 K. |
The BQ27z746-R1 provides two levels of protection. The first level of protection is firmware based and is backed up by a second hardware based level of protection. The hardware protections have precedence over the firmware protections.
The device has five hardware-based protections—HCUV, HCOV, HOCC, HOCD, and HSCD—with adjustable threshold and delay time. The threshold settings are in mV; therefore, for current-based protections, the actual current that triggers the protection is based on the RSENSE used in the schematic design.
In general, when a fault is detected after the Delay time, the CHG and DSG FETs are disabled (Trip stage). Because both FETs are off, the current drops to 0 mA. After Recovery time, the CHG and DSG FETs are turned on again (Recovery stage).
The device has a hardware-based cell undervoltage protection with adjustable threshold and delay time.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Voltage() > Protector UVP Threshold | SafetyStatus()[HCUV] = 0 |
Trip | Voltage() ≤ Protector UVP Threshold for Protector UVP Delay Time | SafetyStatus()[HCUV] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 Turn off DSG FET |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[HCUV] = 1 AND (Voltage() ≥HCUV:Recovery for HCUV:Recovery Delay in RELAX or DISCHARGE mode) OR (Voltage() ≥ HCUV:Recovery Chg for HCUV:Recovery Delay in CHARGE mode) | SafetyStatus()[HCUV] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 |
The device has a hardware-based cell overvoltage protection with adjustable threshold and delay time.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Voltage() < Protector OVP Threshold | SafetyStatus()[HCOV] = 0 |
Trip | Voltage() ≥ Protector OVP Threshold for Protector OVP Delay Time | SafetyStatus()[HCOV] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 Turn off CHG FET |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[HCOV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≤ HCOV:Recovery for HCOV:Recovery Delay | SafetyStatus()[HCOV] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
The device has a hardware-based overcurrent in discharge protection with adjustable current and delay time.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Current() > Protector OCD Threshold | SafetyStatus()[HOCD] = 0 |
Trip | Current() ≤ Protector OCD Threshold for Protector OCD Delay Time | SafetyStatus()[HOCD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 Turn off DSG FET |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[HOCD] = 1 AND Current() ≥ HOCD:Recovery Thresholdfor HOCD:Recovery Delay time | SafetyStatus()[HOCD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 |
The device has a hardware-based overcurrent in charge protection with adjustable current and delay time.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Current() < Protector OCC Threshold | SafetyStatus()[HOCC] = 0 |
Trip | Current() ≥ Protector OCC Threshold for Protector OCC Delay Time | SafetyStatus()[HOCC] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 Turn off CHG FET |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[HOCC] = 1 AND Current() ≤ HOCC:Recovery Threshold for HOCC:Recovery Delay time | SafetyStatus()[HOCC] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
The device has a hardware-based short circuit in discharge protection with adjustable current and delay time.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Current() > Protector SCD Threshold | SafetyStatus()[HSCD] = 0 |
Trip | Current() ≤ Protector SCD Threshold for Protector SCD Delay Time | SafetyStatus()[HSCD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 Turn off DSG FET |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[HSCD] = 1 AND Current() ≥ HSCD:Recovery Threshold for HSCD:Recovery time | SafetyStatus()[HSCD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 |
An area of data flash at memory address 0x4020 is reserved for storing the threshold targets for the hardware-based protections. Updates to these data flash parameters must be done manually and do not impact operation of the hardware-based protections. Instead, these parameters provide a record of any changes made from the factory settings and provide an easy to read format of the threshold targets. Field Config can be used as an identifier for a specific combination of threshold targets to differentiate certain pack configurations.
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | OVP | U2 | 2000 | 5000 | 4525 | mV | Threshold target for cell voltage for hardware-based OVP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | UVP | U2 | 2000 | 4000 | 2300 | mV | Threshold target for cell voltage for hardware-based UVP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | OCC | I2 | 0 | 1000 | 140 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based OCC |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | OCD | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –160 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based OCD |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | SCD | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –200 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based SCD |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | I-Wake | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –20 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based I-Wake |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BDP | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between BAT and BAT_SP for hardware-based BDP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BCP | I2 | 0 | 1000 | 200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between BAT and BAT_SP for hardware-based BCP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BDN | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between VSS and BAT_SN for hardware-based BDN |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BCN | I2 | 0 | 1000 | 200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between VSS and BAT_SN for hardware-based BCN |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | Field Cal | U2 | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | 0x0000 | Hex | Flags to indicate which target thresholds have been modified from factory settings |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | Field Config | U1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x00 | Hex | Numeric identifier for a set of target thresholds for hardware-based protections |
Firmware cannot override any hardware based protection. The firmware protections are used to signal impending hardware protection. This can allow a host system to respond to conditions before hardware protection opens a FET. Some of the firmware protection can be programmed to open a FET. Every firmware protection has two associated signals. When a threshold violation is detected the associated status bit is set. Each threshold has an associated timer. If the timer expires an associated status bit is set. If the status bit has an active associated FET control action, that action will be taken when the status bit is set. All firmware based protections have an associated recovery threshold.
When the protection is triggered, charging and/or discharging is disabled. This is indicated by the OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 when charging is disabled (the CHG FET is turned OFF), and/or the OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 when discharging is disabled (DSG FET is turned OFF). Once the protection is recovered, charging and discharging resume. All firmware-based protections can be enabled or disabled under Settings:Enabled Protections A, Settings:Enabled Protections B, Settings:Enabled Protections C, and Settings:Enabled Protections D. All hardware-based protections are either enabled or disabled, which is based on the configuration image stored in secure memory.
To protect the DSG FET body diode, the DSG FET will always be closed when Current() ≥ Chg Current Threshold, including when OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1. Likewise, to protect the CHG FET body diode, the CHG FET will always be closed when Current() ≤ (–)Dsg Current Threshold, including when OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1. Setting FET Options[IWAKE_FET] = 1 configures the device to protect the body diode of the CHG FET during low power modes such as SLEEP and SHIP when the hardware-based IWAKE threshold is surpassed. This is because the IWAKE threshold can only be configured to detect discharge current.
When the protections are triggered, BatteryStatus()[TCA][TDA][FD][OCA][OTA] is set according to the type of safety protections. Section 12.10 provides a summary of the various alarms flags' set conditions.
Delay settings with 1-s granularity can have an average trigger delay equal to the delay setting plus 1.8 s.
The device can detect cell undervoltage in batteries and protect cells from damage by preventing further discharge.
Status | Condition | Action | ||
Normal | Voltage() > CUV:Threshold | SafetyAlert()[CUV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0 | ||
Alert | Voltage() ≤ CUV:Threshold | SafetyAlert()[CUV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 1 | ||
Trip | Voltage() ≤ CUV:Threshold for CUV:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[CUV] = 0 SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[FD] = 1, [TDA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 | ||
Recovery | Condition 1: SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≥ CUV:Recovery for CUV:Recovery Delay AND Protection Configuration[CUV_RECOV_CHG] = 0 | SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[FD] = 0, [TDA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 | ||
OR Condition 2: SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≥ CUV:Recovery for CUV:Recovery Delay AND Protection Configuration[CUV_RECOV_CHG] = 1 AND Charging detected (that is, BatteryStatus()[DSG] = 0) |
The device can detect cell overvoltage in batteries and protect cells from damage by preventing further charge.
Status | Condition | Action |
ChargingStatus()[UT] or [LT] = 1 | Voltage() < COV:Threshold Low Temp | SafetyAlert()[COV] = 0 |
ChargingStatus()[STL] or [STH] = 1 | Voltage() < COV:Threshold Standard Temp | |
ChargingStatus()[RT] = 1 | Voltage() < COV:Threshold Rec Temp | |
ChargingStatus()[HT] or [OT] = 1 | Voltage() < COV:Threshold High Temp | |
ChargingStatus()[UT] or [LT] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold Low Temp | SafetyAlert()[COV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1 |
ChargingStatus()[STL] or [STH] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold Standard Temp | |
ChargingStatus()[RT] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold Rec Temp | |
ChargingStatus()[HT] or [OT] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold High Temp | |
ChargingStatus()[UT] or [LT] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold Low Temp for COV:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[COV] = 0 SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 |
ChargingStatus()[STL] or [STH] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold Standard Temp for COV:Delay duration | |
ChargingStatus()[RT] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold Rec Temp for COV:Delay duration | |
ChargingStatus()[HT] or [OT] = 1 | Voltage() ≥ COV:Threshold High Temp for COV:Delay duration | |
ChargingStatus()[UT] or [LT] = 1 | SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≤ COV:Recovery Low Temp for COV:Recovery Delay | SafetyStatus()[COV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
ChargingStatus()[STL] or [STH] = 1 | SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≤ COV:RecoveryStandard Temp for COV:Recovery Delay | |
ChargingStatus()[RT] = 1 | SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≤ COV:Recovery Rec Temp for COV:Recovery Delay | |
ChargingStatus()[HT] or [OT] = 1 | SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 AND Voltage() ≤ COV:Recovery High Temp for COV:Recovery Delay |
To protect cells from damage due to unsafe charge currents, the device can detect overcurrent events and disable the CHG FET.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Current() < OCC:Threshold | SafetyAlert()[OCC] = 0 |
Alert | Current() ≥ OCC:Threshold | SafetyAlert()[OCC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1 |
Trip | Current() ≥ OCC:Threshold for OCC:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[OCC] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OCC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 |
Recovery | [SafetyStatus()[OCC] = 1 AND Current() ≤ OCC:Recovery Threshold for OCC:Recovery Delay time | SafetyStatus()[OCC] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
To protect cells from damage due to unsafe load currents, the device can detect overcurrent events and disable the DSG FET.
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Current() > OCD:Threshold | SafetyAlert()[OCD] = 0 |
Alert | Current() ≤ OCD:Threshold | SafetyAlert()[OCD] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 1 |
Trip | Current() ≤ OCD:Threshold for OCD:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[OCD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 |
Recovery | [SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 1 AND Current() ≥ OCD:Recovery Threshold for OCD:Recovery Delay time | SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 |
The device provides overtemperature and undertemperature protections based on cell temperature measurement. The cell temperature-based protections are further divided into CHARGE and DISCHARGE conditions. This section describes in detail each of the protection functions.
The device supports up to two external thermistors and one internal temperature sensor for measuring temperature. Unused temperature sensors must be disabled by clearing the corresponding flag in Settings:Temperature Enable[TS2][TS1][TSInt].
The Temperature() command returns the cell temperature measurement, which is the maximum of the enabled temperature sensors.
AltManufacturerBlockAccess() command DAStatus2() returns all the temperature measurements.
The cell-based overtemperature and undertemperature safety provide protections in CHARGE and DISCHARGE conditions. The battery pack is in CHARGE mode when BatteryStatus()[DSG] = 0, where Current() > Chg Current Threshold. The overtemperature and undertemperature in charging protections are active in this mode. The BatteryStatus()[DSG] is set to 1 in a NON-CHARGE mode condition, which includes RELAX and DISCHARGE modes. The overtemperature and undertemperature in discharge protections are active in these two modes. See Section 8.6 for detailed descriptions of the gas gauge modes.
The device has an overtemperature protection for cells in CHARGE state (that is, charging state with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 0).
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Temperature()<OTC:Threshold OR not charging | SafetyAlert()[OTC] = 0 |
Alert | Temperature()≥OTC:Threshold AND charging | SafetyAlert()[OTC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1 |
Trip | Temperature() ≥ OTC:Threshold AND charging for OTC:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[OTC] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OTC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[OTC] AND Temperature() ≤ OTC:Recovery | SafetyStatus()[OTC] = 0 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
The device has an overtemperature protection for cells in DISCHARGE or RELAX state (that is, non-charging state with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1).
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Temperature()<OTD:Threshold OR charging | SafetyAlert()[OTD] = 0 |
Alert | Temperature()≥OTD:Threshold AND not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1) | SafetyAlert()[OTD] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 1 |
Trip | Temperature() ≥ OTD:Threshold AND not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1) for OTD:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[OTD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OTD] = 1 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0 |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[OTD] AND Temperature() ≤ OTD:Recovery | SafetyStatus()[OTD] = 0 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0 |
The device has an undertemperature protection for cells in CHARGE state (that is, charging state with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 0).
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Temperature() > UTC:Threshold OR not charging | SafetyAlert()[UTC] = 0 |
Alert | Temperature() ≤ UTC:Threshold AND charging | SafetyAlert()[UTC] = 1 |
Trip | Temperature() ≤ UTC:Threshold AND charging for UTC:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[UTC] = 0 SafetyStatus()[UTC] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[UTC] AND Temperature() ≥ UTC:Recovery | SafetyStatus()[UTC] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
The device has an undertemperature protection for cells in DISCHARGE or RELAX state (that is, non-charging state with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1).
Status | Condition | Action |
Normal | Temperature() > UTD:Threshold OR charging | SafetyAlert()[UTD] = 0 |
Alert | Temperature()≤UTD:Threshold AND not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1) | SafetyAlert()[UTD] = 1 |
Trip | Temperature() ≤ UTD:Threshold AND not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1) for UTD:Delay duration | SafetyAlert()[UTD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[UTD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 |
Recovery | SafetyStatus()[UTD] AND Temperature() ≥ UTD:Recovery | SafetyStatus()[UTD] = 0 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 |
The device can measure the precharge time and stop charging if the precharge time exceeds the adjustable period.
Status | Condition | Action |
Enable | Current() > PTO:Charge Threshold AND ChargingStatus()[PV] = 1 | Start PTO timer SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 0 |
Suspend or Recovery | Current() < PTO:Suspend Threshold | Stop PTO timer SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 1 |
Trip | PTO timer > PTO:Delay | Stop PTO timer SafetyStatus()[PTO] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 |
Reset | (SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 1 OR SafetyStatus()[PTO] = 1) AND Discharge by an amount of PTO:Reset | Stop and reset PTO timer SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 0 SafetyStatus()[PTO] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
The device can measure the charge time and stop charging if the charge time exceeds the adjustable period.
Status | Condition | Action |
Enable | Current() > CTO:Charge Threshold AND (ChargingStatus()[LV] = 1 OR ChargingStatus()[MV] = 1 OR ChargingStatus()[HV] = 1) | Start CTO timer SafetyAlert()[CTOS] = 0 |
Suspend or Recovery | Current() < CTO:Suspend Threshold | Stop CTO timer SafetyAlert()[CTOS] = 1 |
Trip | CTO time > CTO:Delay | Stop CTO timer SafetyStatus()[CTO] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1 |
Reset | (SafetyAlert()[CTOS] = 1 OR SafetyStatus()[CTO] = 1) AND Discharge by an amount of CTO:Reset | Stop and reset CTO timer SafetyAlert()[CTOS] = 0 SafetyStatus()[CTO] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0 |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Protection | Protection Configuration | H2 | 0x00 | 0x02 | 0x00 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bits 7–2): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
CUV_RECOV_CHG (Bit 1): Require charge to recover SafetyStatus()[CUV] | ||
1 = | Enabled | |
0 = | Disabled (default) | |
RSVD (Bit 0): Reserved. Do not use. |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Protection | Enabled Protections A | H2 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x57 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bit 7): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
RSVD_1 (Bit 6): Reserved and programmed to 1 for proper operation. Do not use. | ||
RSVD (Bit 5): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
OCD (Bit 4): Overcurrent in Discharge | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
RSVD (Bit 3): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
OCC (Bit 2): Overcurrent in Charge | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
COV (Bit 1): Cell Overvoltage | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
CUV (Bit 0): Cell Undervoltage | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Protection | Enabled Protections B | H2 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x35 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bits 7–6): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
OTD (Bit 5): Overtemperature in discharge | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
OTC (Bit 4): Overtemperature in charge | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
RSVD (Bit 3): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
RSVD_1 (Bit 2): Reserved and programmed to 1 for proper operation. Do not use. | ||
RSVD (Bit 1): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
RSVD_1 (Bit 0): Reserved and programmed to 1 for proper operation. Do not use. |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Protection | Enabled Protections C | H1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x14 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bits 7–5): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
CTO (Bit 4): Charging timeout | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
RSVD (Bit 3): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
PTO (Bit 2): Precharging timeout | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
RSVD (Bits 1–0): Reserved. Do not use. |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Protection | Enabled Protections D | H1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0xCC | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD_1 (Bit 7): Reserved and programmed to 1 for proper operation. Do not use. | ||
RSVD_1 (Bit 6): Reserved and programmed to 1 for proper operation. Do not use. | ||
RSVD (Bits 5–4): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
UTD (Bit 3): Undertemperature While Not Charging | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
UTC (Bit 2): Undertemperature While Charging | ||
1 = | Enabled (default) | |
0 = | Disabled | |
RSVD (Bits 1–0): Reserved. Do not use. |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | FET Options | H2 | 0x0000 | 0x01FF | 0x0142 | Hex |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bits 15–9): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
IWAKE_FET (Bit 8): CHG FET body diode protection for IWAKE | ||
1 = | CHG FET turns on for IWAKE (default) | |
0 = | CHG FET unchanged for IWAKE | |
RSVD (Bit 7): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
SLEEPCHG (Bit 6): CHG FET enabled during SLEEP | ||
1 = | CHG FET remains on during SLEEP (default) | |
0 = | CHG FET off during SLEEP | |
CHGFET (Bit 5): FET action on setting of GaugeStatus()[TC] | ||
1 = | Charging disabled, FET off | |
0 = | No FET action for terminate charge condition (default) | |
CHGIN (Bit 4): FET action in CHARGE INHIBIT mode | ||
1 = | Charging disabled, FET off | |
0 = | No FET action for charge inhibit condition (default) | |
CHGSU (Bit 3): FET action in CHARGE SUSPEND mode | ||
1 = | Charging disabled, FET off | |
0 = | No FET action for charge suspend condition (default) | |
OTFET (Bit 2): FET action in OVERTEMPERATURE mode. Bit is ignored when there is no FET temperature sensor configured. | ||
1 = | CHG and DSG FETs will be turned off for overtemperature conditions | |
0 = | No FET action for overtemperature condition (default) | |
UTFET (Bit 1): FET action in UNDERTEMPERATURE mode. Bit is ignored when there is no FET temperature sensor configured. | ||
1 = | CHG and DSG FETs will be turned off for undertemperature conditions (default) | |
0 = | No FET action for undertemperature condition | |
RSVD (Bit 0): Reserved. Do not use. |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | CUV | Threshold | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 2500 | mV | Cell undervoltage trip threshold |
Protections | CUV | Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Cell undervoltage trip delay |
Protections | CUV | Recovery | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 2900 | mV | Cell undervoltage recovery threshold |
Protections | CUV | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Cell undervoltage recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HCUV | Recovery | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 2900 | mV | Hardware Cell Undervoltage recovery threshold in RELAX or DISCHARGE mode |
Protections | HCUV | Recovery Chg | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 2520 | mV | Hardware Cell Undervoltage recovery threshold in CHARGE mode |
Protections | HCUV | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Hardware Cell Undervoltage recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | COV | Threshold Low Temp | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4490 | mV | Cell overvoltage low temperature range threshold |
Protections | COV | Threshold Standard Temp Low | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4490 | mV | Cell overvoltage standard low temperature range threshold |
Protections | COV | Threshold Standard Temp High | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4490 | mV | Cell overvoltage standard high temperature range threshold |
Protections | COV | Threshold High Temp | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4490 | mV | Cell overvoltage high temperature range threshold |
Protections | COV | Threshold Rec Temp | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4490 | mV | Cell overvoltage recommended temperature range threshold |
Protections | COV | Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Cell overvoltage trip delay |
Protections | COV | Recovery Low Temp | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4290 | mV | Cell overvoltage low temperature range recovery threshold |
Protections | COV | Recovery Standard Temp Low | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4290 | mV | Cell overvoltage standard low temperature recovery range threshold |
Protections | COV | Recovery Standard Temp High | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4290 | mV | Cell overvoltage standard high temperature recovery range threshold |
Protections | COV | Recovery High Temp | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4290 | mV | Cell overvoltage high temperature range recovery threshold |
Protections | COV | Recovery Rec Temp | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4290 | mV | Cell overvoltage recommended temperature range recovery threshold |
Protections | COV | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Cell overvoltage recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HCOV | Recovery | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 4290 | mV | Hardware Cell Overvoltage recovery threshold |
Protections | HCOV | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Hardware Cell Overvoltage recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | OCC | Threshold | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | 12000 | mA | Overcurrent in Charge trip threshold |
Protections | OCC | Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 1 | s | Overcurrent in Charge trip delay |
Protections | OCC | Recovery Threshold | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | 200 | mA | Overcurrent in Charge recovery threshold |
Protections | OCC | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 10 | s | Overcurrent in Charge recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HOCC | Recovery Threshold | I2 | -32768 | 32767 | 200 | mA | Hardware Overcurrent in Charge recovery threshold |
Protections | HOCC | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 70 | s | Hardware Overcurrent in Charge recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | OCD | Threshold | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | –7000 | mA | Overcurrent in Discharge trip threshold |
Protections | OCD | Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 3 | s | Overcurrent in Discharge trip delay |
Protections | OCD | Recovery Threshold | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | -200 | mA | Overcurrent in Discharge recovery threshold |
Protections | OCD | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 10 | s | Overcurrent in Discharge recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HOCD | Recovery Threshold | I2 | -32768 | 32767 | -200 | mA | Hardware Overcurrent in Discharge recovery threshold |
Protections | HOCD | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 70 | s | Hardware Overcurrent in Discharge recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HSCD | Recovery Threshold | I2 | –32768 | 32767 | –200 | mA | Short Circuit in Discharge recovery threshold |
Protections | HSCD | Recovery Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 7 | s | Short Circuit in Discharge recovery delay |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | OTC | Threshold | I2 | –400 | 1500 | 550 | 0.1°C | Overtemperature in Charge trip threshold |
Protections | OTC | Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 2 | s | Overtemperature in Charge Cell trip delay |
Protections | OTC | Recovery | I2 | –400 | 1500 | 500 | 0.1°C | Overtemperature in Charge Cell recovery threshold |