SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
This read-write command is only accessible if ManufacturingStatus()[CAL_EN] = 1 and the device is in UNSEALED or FULL ACCESS mode. When read, the command returns the second block of protector hardware registers to MACData(). This register block is the second part of the protector configuration image. When written, the command directly updates the second block of protector hardware registers to immediately affect device operation.
Offset | Name | Description |
0–9 | RSVD | Reserved |
10 | CREF_SCD | Trim for SCD |
11 | CREF_OCD | Trim for OCD |
12 | CREF_OCC | Trim for OCC |
13 | CREF_OVP | Trim for OVP |
14 | CREF_UVP | Trim for UVP |
15 | CREF_IWAKE | Trim for I-WAKE |
16 | CREF_BDP | Trim for BDP |
17 | CREF_BCP | Trim for BCP |
18 | CREF_BDN | Trim for BDN |
19 | CREF_BCN | Trim for BCN |
20–29 | RSVD | Reserved |