SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
Several flags in GaugingStatus() are helpful to track QMax update conditions. The [REST] flag indicates an OCV is taken in RELAX mode. [REST] sets when the OCV is taken and clears when exiting RELAX mode. If the firmware has successfully made an OCV prediction, the GaugingStatus[OCVPRED] bit is set. The bit will clear if GaugingStatus[REST] gets set or when RELAX mode is exited. The [VOK] flag indicates the last OCV reading is qualified for the QMax update. [VOK] sets when exiting RELAX mode after an OCV that qualifies for QMax updates (including those that update QMax). [VOK] clears when a QMax update occurs, when a QMax update is disqualified based on an offset error (as described above), or upon a full reset. The [QMAX] flag toggles when a QMax update occurs. ITStatus2() and ITStatus3() return the QMax and DOD (the depth of discharge that corresponds to the OCV reading) data.