SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
This optional feature can be used to reduce charging voltages and/or currents based on measured parameters that reflect the aging of cells.
Here is an example of charging degradation using Cycle Count (although it is the same for the other aging parameters as itemized below):
In NORMAL mode (there is no reduction of ChargingCurrent() or ChargingVoltage()), ChargingCurrent() is reduced by CC Degradation Mode 1 (assuming the Cycle Count 1 entry conditions are met), then moving to Cycle Count Mode 2, ChargingCurrent() is further reduced by CC Degradation Mode 2 (assuming Cycle Count 2 entry conditions are met). This is similar for Cycle Count Mode 3.
Care should be taken to set the degradation mode thresholds such that each threshold is increased for each mode. The fact that any of the other measured aging parameters have not passed a degradation mode threshold would not cause the lower mode to be used.
This charging current degradation scheme (if enabled) works in conjunction with any other existing degradation/increments (such as charge loss compensation).
The following table shows the default values for how charging voltage and charging current are degraded for each degradation mode:
[CHGV_DEGRADE] is set.) | Charging Voltage (CV) (CV degradation is available if enabled.) | Charging Current (CC) (CC degradation is available if enabled [DEGRADE_CC]).(1) |
Normal | No CV Degradation | No CC Degradation |
Mode 1 | CV Degradation (default 10 mV / cell) | CC Degradation (default 10%) |
Mode 2 | CV Degradation (default 40 mV / cell) | CC Degradation (default 20%) |
Mode 3 | CV Degradation (default 70 mV / cell) | CC Degradation (default 40%) |
A degrade mode is entered when any measured parameter exceeds the thresholds set in data flash. The following thresholds are defined for each mode (see Data Flash Summary for threshold value settings and addresses).
CycleCount() must be greater thanCycle Count Start Runtime before Runtime Degrade starts to increment and any degradation modes are detected.
The current degradation mode can be determined from the value of [CV_DGRD].
Runtime Degrade is updated to data flash every Runtime Update Interval and tracks the runtime after CycleCount() ≥ Cycle Count Start Runtime.
A threshold can be set to an unobtainable value for a particular aging parameter to be disabled.