SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
This command returns the signature of all static, chemistry-related data flash parameters. The command does not update Static Chem DF Signature.
Status | Condition | Action |
Enable | 0x0008 to AltManufacturerAccess() | Returns the signature of all static chemistry DF on a subsequent read on MACData() after a wait time of 250 ms. The MSB is set to 1 if the calculated signature does not match the signature stored in DF. |
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
System Data | Integrity | Static Chem DF Signature | H2 | 0 | 0x7FFF | 0x3A4C | — | Static chemistry data signature. Use the MAC StaticChemDFSignature() (with MSB set to 0) to manually initialize this value. |