SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
An area of data flash at memory address 0x4020 is reserved for storing the threshold targets for the hardware-based protections. Updates to these data flash parameters must be done manually and do not impact operation of the hardware-based protections. Instead, these parameters provide a record of any changes made from the factory settings and provide an easy to read format of the threshold targets. Field Config can be used as an identifier for a specific combination of threshold targets to differentiate certain pack configurations.
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | OVP | U2 | 2000 | 5000 | 4525 | mV | Threshold target for cell voltage for hardware-based OVP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | UVP | U2 | 2000 | 4000 | 2300 | mV | Threshold target for cell voltage for hardware-based UVP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | OCC | I2 | 0 | 1000 | 140 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based OCC |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | OCD | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –160 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based OCD |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | SCD | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –200 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based SCD |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | I-Wake | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –20 | 0.1 mV | Threshold target for voltage across the sense resistor for hardware-based I-Wake |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BDP | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between BAT and BAT_SP for hardware-based BDP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BCP | I2 | 0 | 1000 | 200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between BAT and BAT_SP for hardware-based BCP |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BDN | I2 | –1000 | 0 | –200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between VSS and BAT_SN for hardware-based BDN |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | BCN | I2 | 0 | 1000 | 200 | mV | Threshold target for voltage between VSS and BAT_SN for hardware-based BCN |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | Field Cal | U2 | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | 0x0000 | Hex | Flags to indicate which target thresholds have been modified from factory settings |
Protections | HW Threshold Targets | Field Config | U1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x00 | Hex | Numeric identifier for a set of target thresholds for hardware-based protections |