SLUUCW8 October 2023 BQ27Z746
The device can be enabled to generate an interrupt to the host processor on the INT pin under various voltage, temperature, and RSOC conditions. The GPO Pin Config[HOSTINT_EN] bit is used to enable or disable the interrupt function, and its polarity can be set to active high (Host Intr Config[ACTIVEHI_EN] = 1) or active low (Host Intr Config[ACTIVEHI_EN] = 0). The Host Intr Config[INT_TYPE] bit is used to select if interrupt is a pulse on the INT pin with an approximate width of 1 ms (Host Intr Config[INT_TYPE] = 1) or level-based interrupt (Host Intr Config[INT_TYPE] = 0). The Host Intr Config[PUSHPULL_EN] bit is to select if INT output is open-drain (Host Intr Config[PUSHPULL_EN] = 0) or push-pull (Host Intr Config[PUSHPULL_EN] = 1).