SLUUCW9 December 2023 BQ76972
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | TS1 Config | H1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x07 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
OPT5 | OPT4 | OPT3 | OPT2 | OPT1 | OPT0 | PIN_FXN1 | PIN_FXN0 |
Description: This parameter configures the TS1 pin functionality.
Bit | Field | Default | Description |
7–2 | OPT5–OPT0 | 1 | The OPT[5:0] bits configure the options for the TS1 pin function. OPT[5:4] --- Pull-up control --- --- 00 = selects 18-kOhm pull-up for thermistor measurement --- --- 01 = selects 180-kOhm pull-up for thermistor measurement --- --- 10 = selects no pull-up (used for ADCIN functionality) OPT[3:2] --- Polynomial selection for thermistor temperature measurement --- --- 00 = selects the 18K Temperature Model --- --- 01 = selects the 180K Temperature Model --- --- 10 = selects the Custom Temperature Model --- --- 11 = no polynomial is used, raw ADC counts are reported OPT[1:0] --- Measurement type --- --- 00 = general purpose ADC input --- --- 01 = thermistor temperature measurement, used for cell temperature protections --- --- 10 = thermistor temperature measurement, reported but not used for protections --- --- 11 = thermistor temperature measurement, used for FET temperature protection |
1–0 | PIN_FXN1–PIN_FXN0 | 3 | These bits configure which function this pin is used for. 0 = Unused 1 = Unused 2 = Unused 3 = ADC Input or Thermistor |