SLUUCY8 December 2023 BQ77307
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | Default Alarm Mask | H2 | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | 0xC200 | Hex |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Description: This parameter sets the default value of the AlarmEnable() register. The default value is reloaded at reset (if programmed into OTP) and at exit of CONFIG_UPDATE mode
Bit | Field | Default | Description |
15 | SSA | 1 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
14 | SSB | 1 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
13 | SAA | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
12 | SAB | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
11 | XCHG | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
10 | XDSG | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
9 | SHUTV | 1 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
7 | CHECK | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
6 | CHECK | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
2 | INITCOMP | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |
1 | CDTOGGLE | 0 | Setting this bit allows the internally determined value of CDTOGGLE to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. This flag is set whenever the debounced CHG Detector signal differs from the previous debounced value. 0 = The CDTOGGLE signal is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = The CDTOGGLE signal is included in Alarm Status() |
0 | POR | 0 | Setting this bit allows the corresponding bit in Alarm Raw Status() to be mapped to the corresponding bit in Alarm Status() and to control the ALERT pin. 0 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is not included in Alarm Status() 1 = This bit in Alarm Raw Status() is included in Alarm Status() |