SLUUD50 October 2024 BQ27Z758
Use this command to temporarily allow the host system to toggle FETs on a SEALED gauge where the [FET_EN] bit was set. A FET cannot be closed if a safety limit is violated. The FETs are toggled using the AltManufacturerAccess() 0x001F/0x0020 FET toggle commands. This word write command is protected by requiring the correct code word to be sent to command 0x40 first (writing to 0x60 MACDataChecksum() and 0x61 MACDataLength() is not required) and then to 0x3E. That code word is 0xb25c. Both the code word and command must be sent as little endian.
This command has an associated timer, FET OVRD Time. While the timer is counting down, the FETs can be toggled and ManufacturingStatus()[FET_OVRD] is set. When the timer expires, ManufacturingStatus()[FET_OVRD], ManufacturingStatus()[CHG_TEST], and ManufacturingStatus()[DSG_TEST] all clear.