The chemistry file contains parameters
that the simulations use to model the cell and the operating profile. A critical
issue is to program a Chemistry ID that matches the cell into the device. Some of
these parameters can be viewed in the Data Memory section of the Battery Management
- Download the most recent Chem Updater available
here GASGAUGECHEM-SW Design tool | Place all
Chemdat files into the Chemistry Folder inside the BatteryManagementStudio
- Press the Chemistry button to select the Chemistry window.
- The table can be sorted by clicking the desired
column for example: Click the Chemistry ID column header.
- Select the ChemID that matches the cells used
from the table (see Figure 4-4).
- Press the Program Selected
Chemistry button to update the chemistry in the device.
- (Optional) Press Program from GPCRB file
button to program the Chemdat file exported from the GPCRB tool (low
temperature optimization tool).
Note: To find which ChemIDs support IT-DZT, please contact a local
TI representative.
Note: New ChemIDs are required for BQ41Z90, previously made
ChemIDs needs to be recreated.