SLVAF52B July 2021 – November 2021 AFE8092 , TPS62913
The analog and clock inputs of converter often get most of the scrutiny when it comes to addressing low noise on their inputs. Keep in mind that power supplies are inputs too. Because we think of them as DC biasing circuits we often do not think of them as affecting RF performance. However, this is not true. Spurious performance is dependent on the layout structure. The DC-DC converters are generating switching spurious which can be large.
Switching spurious infiltrate unwanted circuits via conducted paths or radiated paths. Conducted spurious are mitigated with the ferrite bead isolation, supply filtering, and adequate low frequency bypass capacitors. Radiated emissions are more difficult to control.
The primary location for radiated emissions is right at the DC-DC converter itself and the switching inductor. Since the switching spurious are large in amplitude and at low frequency, localized shielding or PCB ground planes do little to attenuate the spurious. Switching spurious penetrate ground planes easily and infect internal, sensitive power traces. As such, keep sensitive routing from running on an internal layer directly underneath the DC-DC converter. Further, no other board with sensitive internal nets should be placed directly above or below. Even physical spacing as much as one inch is not sufficient to reduce the spurious coupling. Instead, the DC-DC switchers should be offset from any sensitive area or other boards so that there is nothing directly above or below the converters that will be contaminated by switching spurious. When designing power supply domains for any high-speed converter, here are some useful tips in maximizing power supply noise immunity:
Applying the above points help provide a solid power supply design yielding data sheet performance in many applications.