SLVAF75 August 2021 DRV10987
Before executing Step3 and Step4 of Option 1, if the speed value is zero, DRV10987D is not able to enter sleep. Enter a non-zero value in the speed value as the first step in the DRV10987D data sheet . The following results are obtained through this test. Once a zero value is entered and entering sleep mode fails, DRV10987 sleep is not able to enter sleep mode even if a non-zero value is entered afterwords. At first and second speed command, a non-zero value is entered at speed value and the DRV10987 enters sleep mode. But at the third speed command, a zero value is entered at speed value and the DRV10987 is not able to enter sleep mode. After the third speed command, at fourth and fifth speed command non-zero value is entered but DRV10987D is not in sleep mode.
Waveform of Option 1 With Zero Value at Speed Register shows the waveform of Option 1 with a value of zero at the speed register.