SLVAFG8 February   2023 TPS22995H-Q1


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Test setup
    1. 1.1 Schematic
    2. 1.2 Layout
    3. 1.3 Test Conditions
  4. 2Results
    1. 2.1 Functional Test Results
    2. 2.2 Base Measurements
    3. 2.3 Test 1: 100 kΩ Short From RT to GND 5 V
    4. 2.4 Test 2: 100 kΩ Short From RT to GND 1.8 V
    5. 2.5 Test 3: 100kΩ short from RT to VIN 5V
    6. 2.6 Test 4: 100 kΩ Short From RT to VIN 1.8 V
    7. 2.7 Test 5: 100 kΩ Short From RT to VOUT 5 V
    8. 2.8 Test 6: 100 kΩ Short From RT to VOUT 1.8 V
  5. 3Summary
  6. 4References
  7. 6Appendix A


The test results for 100-kΩ humidity shorts between RT to GND, RT TO VIN, and RT to VOUT show that no significant impacts occur such as device shutdown or significant timing impacts.

  • Test 1 tRISE and tON timing is 0.43% and 0.64% off from base measurements respectively
  • Test 2 tRISE and tON timing is 0.16% and 0.49% off from base measurements respectively
  • Test 3 tRISE and tON timing is 33.5% and 54.6% off from base measurements respectively
  • Test 4 tRISE and tON timing is 12% and 25.6% off from base measurements respectively
  • Test 5 tRISE and tON timing is 14.8% and 7.95% off from base measurements respectively
  • Test 6 tRISE and tON timing is 3.97% and 1.25% off from base measurements respectively

These results fall within expectations. The timing results for test 3 (short between RT and VIN)are due to the RT pin voltage starting high when the device is first turned on; however, you will notice that the slew rate is still controlled and is within the range of the RT configuration. A short between the RT pin and VIN pin is extremely unlikely.