SLVAFR4 February 2024 TPS25762-Q1 , TPS25763-Q1 , TPS25772-Q1
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification defines the product design targets at the level of interfaces and mechanisms. Compliance program is to complement the specifications and enable measurement of compliance in real products. Compliance Program provides reasonable measures of acceptability. The Compliance Program uses multiple test specifications along with a Test ID (TID) to track and define the test criteria used to evaluate a product. Products that pass this level of acceptability are considered USB-IF certified and are added to the Integrator's List and have the right to license the USB-IF Logos. USB-IF WG defines and updates the Base Spec, Tests Spec, conduct compliance workshops or conference etc. Currently USBC/PD End Product Certification requires a complete Pass from below Tests :
This section specifies USB-IF compliance tests for USB PD3.1 device. The section includes both PD2.0 and PD3.0 test items into one specification, namely merged specification. Products must pass both PD2.0 and PD3.0 items test. Currently the USB Power Delivery Specification is revision 3.1 version 1.8. All USB PD products can be tested by one approved design listed below. The pre-condition is to scan through all test items (physical, protocol and power) by one institution. If not, all USB PD products must be tested against 2 of the 4 approved designs listed below. There is a grace period of all new tests on CTS. For silicon the period is 1 Year and for end product the period is 1.5 Years from Introduction data.
Deterministic and communication engine are integrated and include Common Bring-Up procedures, Common Procedures and Common Checks.